Do you know How to Cut Plaster Walls Using Angle Grinder? Ok, don’t worry we will give you step by step guidelines. An angle grinder will allow you to cut plaster with ease.
However, you should be cautious to avoid damaging the wall. Remember a small mistake while cutting the wall might cause the whole wall to crash down.
Consider a high-speed angle grinder with a diamond blade for the best results. This angle grinder will cut the plaster wall without shaking it, causing bends and getting stuck.
Cutting a plaster wall using an Angle Grinder
The primary considerations for cutting plaster with a an angle grinder:
- Blade type: Use a blade designed for cutting plaster, such as a diamond blade, as this will help prevent the blade from cracking or breaking during the cutting process.
- Dust protection: Wear a dust mask and eye protection to prevent inhaling dust and debris during the cutting process.
- Water cooling: Use water to cool the blade and prevent the plaster from overheating and cracking.
- Blade speed: Choose a blade speed that is appropriate for the thickness of the plaster, as a slow speed can result in a rough cut and a high speed can cause the blade to crack or break.
- Stabilizing the workpiece: Secure the workpiece to a stable surface, such as a workbench, to prevent it from moving or shifting during the cutting process.
- Proper technique: Hold the angle grinder steady and keep it level as you cut, making slow and steady passes to avoid cracking or breaking the blade or the plaster.
- Clean up: Clean up all dust and debris after cutting to prevent slipping hazards and maintain a clean workspace.
Once you are ready to cut, take the following steps:
Step 1: Prepare your angle grinder and get protective gear
Prepare your angle grinder, and get protective gear. Preparing the power tool will involve fixing the attachment tightly. Check to ensure the attachment is at the right angle.
You might also want to run the tool across the surface to experiment with the right position and angle of cutting. Note that you shouldn’t turn on the equipment before you are ready.
Step 2: Mark off the cut
You can use masking tape, pencil or painter to mark off the region you want to cut. A masking tape delivers the best results since it makes a huge mark and it’s clear during the cut.
The tape will also hold the collapsing plaster from falling out when you’re still cutting. This will help you to see what you’re cutting clearly.
Step 3: Start cutting the marked area
Turn on the angle grinder, grasp the handle firmly and get the right position. Now cut along the marked line carefully without applying force to the tool.
Ensure to finish your cuts up to end of the point where the lines intersect. Cut through the wood lath depending on your needs.
Step 4: Remove the patch resulting from the cut
When the cut is complete, the lath of the patch will fall on its own. But it might fail to fall if you used masking tape. Remove the patch and place it away.
In case the patch is still attached to the rest of the wall, you might what to check where the cutting failed. You can even turn on your power tool and cut the stuck part.
Step 5: clean the angle grinder and the cut
A plaster wall might generate some dust while cutting. This dust is harmful to you and the angle grinder interior part (motor and bearings).
Get a damp cloth and wipe clean the angle grinder. You can vacuum the region of the cut to remove any remaining dust. Hopefully these instructions helped you cut your plaster with an angle grinder!