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Best Meat Grinder | Guide & Reviews
When I first started to grind meat at home, it was a little intimidating. For one thing, I didn’t know how to use a meat grinder. Also, there were so many options to choose from and I didn’t know what made one option better than the other. But I dug
Best Bread Flour For Baking Like a Pro
Choosing bread flour can seem complex once you start digging into all of the options out there to buy. Things like protein content, types of wheat, blends, and other factors to consider make it tough to decide what to try next. But those who love to bake bread eventually find
10 Types of Delicious Exotic Meats You Should Try (One you ALREADY have)
Are you bored with the usual chicken, beef, and pork on your plates? Are you looking for something unusual to eat that could excite your taste buds? You are not alone! Americans in particular have a very limited palate for meat. There is a vast world of food choices out
Best Pasta Maker To Buy (DELICIOUS pasta at home)
The perfect pasta starts with a pasta maker. A pasta maker is a machine that allows you to make pasta and noodles at home. With the right ingredients, recipe, and instructions, you can make quality pasta just like savory specialist offered in authentic Italian restaurants. You have the option to
Best Meat Grinder For Bones – Ultimate Guide and Reviews
Have you ever thought of owning an electric meat grinder? Though most meat grinders will work wonders for general purposes, it’s important to have the right type of grinder for the job if you intend to include bones in your ground meat. If you happened upon this page and you’re
Best Flour for Pasta To Buy | Guide and Reviews
When it comes to homemade pasta, the final flavor can be all about the flour! There are no hard and fast rules about what type of flour to use but picking the right flour will play a major role. There are some general guidelines you may want to follow to
Our Latest Blog Posts
How To Clean a Meat Grinder
Cleaning your meat grinder is very vital to avoiding nasty bacteria and decaying meat from building up on your grinder. Whether you use a manual or an electric meat grinder, you should ensure it is thoroughly clean and dry when you are done with your meat processing. Cleaning should include all
How to Cut a Metal Bolt with Your Angle Grinder
If you need to cut a metal bolt using an angle grinder will get the job done. You can cut a bolt down to the right size with a grinder or trim an exposed bolt that poses a safety risk. Here we will cover how to cut a metal bolt
Best Meat Grinder For Hunters – Find a Grinder to Get the Job Done!
If you are a hunter and you hunt game animals, a meat grinder can be a useful tool for processing the meat. Grinders allow you to turn your game meat into ground meat, which can be used to make a variety of dishes such as hamburgers, meatballs, and sausage. Using a
16 Types of Bread (The Essentials)
Today we’re talking about bread, which is one of our absolute favorite topics to talk about! After all, nothing smells better than freshly baked bread. Bread has been there for us since the beginning of time, or at least close to it. And every country on earth has bread that
Best Meat Grinder | Guide & Reviews
When I first started to grind meat at home, it was a little intimidating. For one thing, I didn’t know how to use a meat grinder. Also, there were so many options to choose from and I didn’t know what made one option better than the other. But I dug
Best Manual Coffee Grinder Reviews
Pre-ground coffee never quite hits the spot for me. No matter how fresh the bag claims it is, I know the grinds have been steadily declining in quality the minute they were ground. And electric coffee grinders? The noise alone is enough to drive me insane. Let alone the fact
What To Eat With Garlic Bread (MORE than you think!)
Let’s face it – garlic bread is irresistible. The crispy outer crust… The tender, buttery middle… The spicy garlic with addictive salty flavor. Garlic bread is often a go-to choice as a side dish in my household. And it is an easy choice! But deciding what to eat with garlic
Best Pasta Maker To Buy (DELICIOUS pasta at home)
The perfect pasta starts with a pasta maker. A pasta maker is a machine that allows you to make pasta and noodles at home. With the right ingredients, recipe, and instructions, you can make quality pasta just like savory specialist offered in authentic Italian restaurants. You have the option to
6 Pasta Maker Issues and How to Solve Them
Pasta makers are great when they are working, but not when they have issues. I am about to discuss the 6 Pasta Maker Issues and How to Solve Them to help give possible solutions and get you going again. Pasta makers are labor-saving machines that revolutionize the way we do
Best Flour for Pasta To Buy | Guide and Reviews
When it comes to homemade pasta, the final flavor can be all about the flour! There are no hard and fast rules about what type of flour to use but picking the right flour will play a major role. There are some general guidelines you may want to follow to
Angle Grinder Maintenance (ALWAYS do one thing)
Maintaining an Angle grinder is a sure way to improve its performance and extend its life. If you have been using your angle grinder for sharpening, grinding, cutting or polishing surfaces, you might have been frustrated by its performance at one time. Some users end up returning or dumping their
Man Cannot Live On Bread Alone (Or CAN He?) – Ezekiel Bread Recipe
The idea of a bread that satisfies all the body’s nutritional requirements is fascinating to me. Ezekiel bread is the first survival bread recipe to be documented and is backed up by the word of God! The recipe is in the Book of Ezekiel (4:9), and was given to him to help